PhD vacancy for machine learning

PhD vacancy for machine learning 

(Supervisor: Associate Professor Ozunr Tastan)

(Sabanci University)

(DEADLINE: May 31, 2024)

Associate Professor Ozunr Tastan is currently looking for motivated PhD students to join our lab.
- A strong sense of curiosity and passion for discovery in machine learning, biology, and health.
- Ability to manage complex projects.
- Technical competency in programming and good analytical skills.

If you are excited about the prospect of advancing biology and health using machine learning, please apply through the Sabancı University Computer Science and Engineering PhD program. Please feel free to reach out or share this opportunity with potential candidates. The application deadline is May 31. The requirements are listed here. (If you have not taken the GRE or ALES yet, you may still apply and take the interview. But final results will be conditioned on the exam results.)

Graduate Applications Requirements

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